Haul Manager at Lovin' Spoonfuls since 2012
Used to live in Austin, TX
Has worked in TV production and has taught preschool
Q: Where did you last vacation?
I was invited on a trip to Amsterdam last spring. We saw all the museums, including the Van Gogh, which was amazing. The Kuekenhoff may have been my favorite part of the trip. We spent half a day walking through the park admiring an endless variety of tulips and other bulb flowers.
Q: What kind of training prepared you for working at Lovin’ Spoonfuls?
None! Lovin’ Spoonfuls took me without prior experience working for a nonprofit because they recognized my commitment to the cause.
Q: What would the world be like without Lovin’ Spoonfuls?
In the past 3 years 800,000+ pounds of food in Boston would have been thrown in a landfill instead of delivered to hungry families.
Q: Name one thing that would make your job easier.
My job would be easier if traffic in Boston weren’t so terrible.
Q: Anything else to add?
I have always been saddened by the fact that poverty persists throughout the world and that with it comes food inequality. Food insecurity in the United States and locally has only been growing worse. In Lovin’ Spoonfuls I saw a wonderful opportunity to support myself by doing something truly rewarding every day. I can’t think of many other ways to spend my day that would be more rewarding than bringing high quality food to those who need it but can’t access it.